Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Torch bearers of Human Rights and their discriminatory politics; how long?

As usual every year on the 10th December Human rights day is observed throughout the world. Many seminars and international conferences are held by the state and non state organizations to mark this important day and to spread awareness and highlight the significance of Human rights across the world. Every conference, seminar and special programmes culminated with this epilogue that the countries where the rate of human rights violation is high in fact alarming should listen to the genuine voices of its citizens and respect their basic human rights. This day was also observed in Kashmir too, the most militarized part of the world, cradled in the majestic mountains of the Himalayas witnessed the worst form of human rights violations inflicted by the state police and Indian Para militarily forces to quell the freedom sentiments in the recent summer public uprisings. Over the past three years in particular, the suffering of Kashmiri people has reached an indescribable intensity and magnitude. According to the recent diplomatic leakage of Wiki Leaks has also indicated Indian Chief of the Northern Command Lt. Gen HS Panag of the Indian Army was equated with General Milosevic of Bosnia with regard to butchering the Muslims in the Indian through war crimes. The related cable urged Washington to secretly divert UN attention towards the genocide of innocent civilians in the Indian held Kashmir on the hands of Indian Army and also suggested that the US should avoid holding any joint drill with Indian army until it stops inhuman activities in Kashmir. Unfortunately those who claim themselves the champions of Human Rights have turned a blind eye on the grave Human Rights violations in the Kashmir. Once known as a paradise on earth has been turned into a beautiful jail, where death, depression and draconian laws have squeezed and suffocated the life of every common Kashmiri. The trigger happy forces have so for silenced more than hundred thousand people; maimed thousands others, ten thousand people disappeared in their custody and more than twenty thousand people are languishing in different jails without a proper judicial trial. But the world community is not taking any notice to such worst form of Human Rights violations committed by the forces of biggest democracy. This silence is disgusting, discriminatory and will further widen the cracks between the Muslim community and the rest of world especially with Europe and fulfilling the old prophecy about the clash of civilizations.

Every year the United Nation held a special general assembly session on the Human Rights day, where resolutions are passed followed by the release of a data mostly collected from the Amnesty International and other human rights forums exposing and unearthing the unabated violations and abuses perpetrated by the oppressed regimes on their subjects especially in the conflict zones. Interestingly every time as usual the Human Rights axe falls mostly on the Muslim countries and are warned of stiffer economical sanctions and military assaults to respect women rights and restore the freedom of expressions but forget those subjugated, oppressed and alienated Muslims who are continuously reeling under the tyrant non Muslim occupants from the so many decades.

If the people of East Timor and south Sudan were rallied diplomatically, politically by the west and America in their ongoing struggle to their goal of statehood, why the Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya are intentionally neglected and sidelined by the world community? Why the shrieks, lamentations, tortures, tears and a systematic genocide going on in the Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya on the hands of Zionists, communists and secular democrats are not catching the attention in the western media and are not discussed, debated on the floor of United Nations Security Council? Is it that amnesty, human rights and international laws vary on the religion lines? Every year on this day they organize meets, conferences and broadcast their moral rhetoric’s on the world issues. The United Nations autonomous body Human Rights Watch releases yearly reports and rankings of the world countries but the biggest irony is that mostly Muslim countries are put on the top slot and receive bashing from the so called civilized block and the rest non Muslims countries are showered complements by respecting and curbing the Human Rights violation rate.

On December 10, 1948 the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. It called its member nations to adopt and implement these rights in their respective countries. This declaration was a momentous achievement because it was the first time that human rights were codified and steps were taken for the preservation of human rights. There are different types of rights such as political, economic social and cultural rights. Keeping in view the political rights in Kashmir then they were flagrantly violated by the New Delhi time to time, whenever the people of state tried to use peaceful and democratic methods to reach out the world to listen their legitimate voice but every time they were dealt with disproportionate use of brute force. It is notable that there has been a routine failure of justice in Jammu and Kashmir. In the recent past, hundreds of unidentified graves with more than 3000 bodies were discovered mostly in the frontier areas of Kashmir. Sources have accused Indian forces of the extra judicial killings and fake encounters of the innocent Kashmiri’s through brutal methods. In this context, even the European Parliament has passed a resolution, condemning New Delhi for human rights violations.

It seems that non-condemnation of these Indian acts of massive human rights violations by the so-called civilized international community has further encouraged India to step-up its brutalities, atrocities on the peaceful and unarmed Kashmiri masses. Indian authorities are not willing to talk with Kashmiri leadership on political grounds though the three interlocutors nominated and backed by New Delhi to talk to the different shades of people and to know the reasons of disenchantment and fury against the Indian republic ended up a futile exercise. Because after completing their task they submitted a final report to the Indian govt but the recommendations made by the team so for have not seen the light, which is totally bizarre and undemocratic. India perhaps reached to a conclusion that only bullet is the right way of dealing with Kashmir’s, demanding their right of self-determination. But when the volcano of resentment explodes in the streets of Srinagar against the forceful occupation, they immediately send parliamentarians, academicians, Muslim clerics and artists to hoodwink the world community that we are serious and sincere as for as the grievances and legitimate demands of the people of Kashmir are concerned.

The indescribable intensity of pain, suffering and the unending cycle of arbitrary arrests, extra judicial killings, disappearances, torture, arson and rapes have become the new definition of this Himalayan Banana republic. Where the law enforcement agencies are operating above the law and the state police have unleashed a reign of terror. Thus who will police the police to stop the human rights violations remained a million dollar question?

In the last three consecutive summers hooliganism barbarism and the atrocities committed by the security forces are so appalling, heart wrenching that even Bosnia, Burma might not have witnessed such horrific human rights violations. But the biased and discriminatory stance of the world community towards these human issues will not serve anybody’s plate but blur the chances to make a peaceful and prosperous world. They supported the Middle East public uprising wholeheartedly and helped them to uproot the notorious regimes because their political and economical interest lies in the Middle East. It is mentionable that owing to the new strategic alliances, India has become a partner of the major powers like the US, Russia, UK, Germany and France. These major countries have their political and economic stakes in India. That is why, these bigs are keeping silence over Indian human rights violations and don’t want to jeopardize their bilateral relations with the rising economical power by raising a voice or act as a mediator to solve this nuclear flash point issue between the India and Pakistan. Besides, there is a big question mark on the role of the United Nations Organization (UNO) in connection with this forgotten conflict, the only International Organization, mandated to redress the oppressed people of the world. The organization has badly failed to implement its responsibilities and its own resolutions towards a rightful solution of the issue.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Title: The Collaborator
Author: Mirza Waheed
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Penguin India
 Pages: 302

It is a debut novel of a Kashmiri journalist based in London and in fact the most authentic literary piece of work on the Kashmir conflict and its deep and multiple repercussions on the people of valley in general and the people living in frontier areas in particular. It is not easy to write a review of a book that carry the tales of oppression, suppression inflicted on a frontier hamlet by the so called protectors. Such stories give you goose bumps: leave your eyes wide open and your heart filled with sorrow. ‘The Collaborator’ relates such a horrific and heart wrenching tale of those unsung Sarhad Paar mutineers. Who left their abodes to salvage their land from the clutches of oppressors but were silenced by trigger happy men in uniform while crossing the line of control. Neither their bodies are retrieved from the euphemistically called encounter sites nor given a proper funeral but are left as a food for the carnivores.

The novel is written in the backdrop of a 1989 rigged election followed by the NC’s fascist approach towards its political rivals, which many political analysts believe created a catalyst for the insurgency and pushed herd of angry youths and their leaders to sneak across the border for arms training to avenge their political humiliation through bullet. The story starts in a frontier hamlet called Nowgam situated on the bank of a roaring rivulet piercing through the beautiful mountains and valleys. The major chunk of population in the area belongs to the Gujjar ethnicity with different life style and approach towards the changing political contours of state than a common Kashmiri. This village was an abode of peace and tranquility like the other parts of Kashmir till 1989 but the things changed dramatically, heaven within the heaven turned into garrisons, bunkers battlefields and the inhabitants are caged inside their houses by imposing the night curfew. The castle of peace and harmony shattered into pieces, when the first time Indian armed forces laid a longest siege around the village for three days. All the inhabitants irrespective of age, gender are forced to assemble in an open field in the village. This creates the phantom of fear in the minds of people that all is not well now in their village, after the sudden disappearance of local boys.

The whole sordid tale revolves around the village Nowgam and the four best pals among one turned up to be a collaborator in the novel and the sudden disappearance of other friends remained a mystery throughout the novel. The author brilliantly shows the interior monologue of world’s second largest armed forces through a military officer stationed at the border and his barbarity whenever he is interacting with the collaborator. During the first few chapters understanding the story is little bit difficult but later it begins cast to its spell. The novel casts a spell over the readers and it’s difficult to put down once you become attached to the sordid tale of collaborator. Mirza Waheed’s description of emotions and sufferings of the inhabitants of a beautiful jail are heart throbbing and heart rendering. He uses his powerful imagery to make the readers understand how morose and subjugated life has become in the valley particularly from the last two decades. The main plot of the novel is alienation convulsions and tribulations of remote villagers and their victimhood by the hands of so called security forces.

The narrator appears to be very bold when he is forced by the so called protectors to collect ID cards and the necessary possessions from those who are silenced by their fire power trying to sneak into this part of Kashmir. The novel ends with the collective horrific funeral of those boys whose dead bodies are being collected by the collaborator from the encounter sites and then on the orders of a diabolic military officer are cremated collectively not to spare a clue for the human rights activists.

The narrative technique of novel is so beautiful and musical that it hardly gives chance for readers to skip any content from the book. The structure of novel consists three parts and all the parts contain thirty two small and long chapters with particular heading related to the episodes which bring superb coherence and cohesion. This frontier in which the whole saga of episodes takes place in the novel is the microcosm of whole valley as for as the suffering, pain, mass exodus and massacres are concerned. From the beginning to the last chapter of book, the author has remained unbiased and has let his characters to speak the common concern and grievances which is unique thing in the league of Kashmir centric writers, who often try to indoctrinate their agenda through the power of words.

mir liyaqat

The Nato Fiasco

The recent predawn NATO air attack on the Pakistani security check post on the Pak-Afg border which left twenty four Pakistani troops dead including two officers have hit all time low in the Pak U.S relations. This particular cross border air raid of NATO forces have further fuelled the anti American sentiment in Pakistan which forced PPP govt to reconsider its bilateral relations with the US on the basis of mutual interest and define its strategic importance as a key alley in the war against terrorism campaign to the world. The attack inspired disenchantment, anger and suspicion even among the few handful pro American voices in Pakistan which pushed the establishment as well as to the Zardari lead coalition govt to block the essential supply lines from Pakistan to the ISAF and American forces in Afghanistan and also ordered CIA to vacate the Shamsi Air base within the fifteen days. The attack came after the continuous anti Pakistan reports aired by the U.S media and BBC followed by the war of words and nudging by the various U.S officials including the lion Panetta and Hillary Clinton to pressurize and push Pakistan to do more and flush out the Haqqani network operating from the wild mountains in the tribal areas of Pakistan which Americans believe have posed a major threat to the U.S and NATO forces in Afghanistan. However this is not the first time that the NATO forces have violated the sovereignty of Pakistan, according to the independent Pakistani media reports around seventy five Pakistani soldiers have been so for killed in the six different major attacks by the NATO forces on the PAK Afghan border since 2007 on the name of hot persuit. Every time Pakistan govt registered its strong protest before the NATO and U.S to stop violating the sovereignty but after the word of assurances, condolences and apologies that it will not happen in future cross border raids continued in a systematic way to give a clear signal to the strategic alley that if you don’t take any action against the Taliban and destroy their safe heavens in the tribal areas. Otherwise we are ready and enough capable like OBL operation to take any unilateral military action deep inside the Pakistan against those who pose a major threat to the so called regional peace and stability. This cross border air attack has sent warning alarms in all the frontiers of power in Pakistan and pushed them for an immediate policy change to protect the sovereignty and national interest but at the same this step can stoke tension on the PAK AFGHAN border. The attack sparked furry in Pakistan and further complicated U.S-led efforts to ease a crisis in relations with Islamabad after the OBL operation to stabilize the region before they pull out their troops from the Afghanistan. The latest decree by the Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Kiyani to its ground forces stationed on the Pak-Afg border can be seen as the last nail in the coffin of Pak U.S relations which stated, “in case of any attack, you have complete liberty to respond forcefully using all available resources. You don’t need any permission for this”. Which shows both the military establishment as well as the civilian govt in Pakistan are looking so for united on a one page and have drawn the clear lines of tolerance. The blockade of essential supply lines and to vacate Shamsi air base are the steps which can decide the future and bring the paradigm shift in the Pakistani foreign policy which was so for used to be tabled and scripted in the Washington. Interestingly all the political parties including the religious parties in Pakistan are calling it an act of blatant aggression and are of the same opinion that the time has come that we should dissociate ourselves from the America’s war. The liberals and the civil society in the Pakistan too hold the same view and are echoing that if this is the retribution of our countless sacrifices in the war against terrorism then it’s the right time to adieu good bye to America’s war ventures. Virtually this war proved so for detrimental both physically as well as economically. The country lost thirty thousand people, billions of foreign investment and was left to the mercy of IMF, World Bank and their economical occupation conditions have made life of common man in Pakistan miserable due to the fatal inflation. Thus various political analysts in Islamabad strongly believe that 9/11 was just an excuse and Afghanistan provided them a base but the ultimate target is to denuclearize Pakistan and this cross border air strikes is just the sub plot of a Americas new world order game. But this arrogance of power can prove counterproductive and can trigger a third world war which is not anybody’s interest.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Title: The Garden of Solitude

Author: Siddhartha Gigoo

ISBN: 9788129117182

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: Rupa and Co

Pages: 260

Price: 195

From the last couple of years there has been a sudden surge in the literary pieces related to the Kashmir conflict and its large scale of human tragedies. Every writer whether he is a native or non native tried his best to paint the conflict and it’s multiple ramifications in such a way so that the worldwide English readers can get accustomed to this forgotten conflict and feel the same pain, alienation and unending agony suffered by the common Kashmiri from the last two decades of armed conflict. It is good and a healthy sign to sensationalize and to romanticize the vicissitudes of conflict for the literary purpose but given the past turbulent history of valley, every writer has a moral duty to wield his/her pen with a sense of responsibility. There are continuous attempts from the different quarters to make this human issue more complicated and irresolvable so that to keep the pot of their interests boiling. Neither these chauvinistic writers can’t penetrate and disturb the social fabric of state and its demography nor can indoctrinate the common Kashmiri irrespective of religion or region by their vague literary lassitudes.

‘The Garden of Solitude’ is another addition to the Kashmir specific literary galaxy written by Siddhartha Gigoo, a migrant Kashmiri Pandit based in New Delhi. The main thesis of novel is the painful mass exodus of Kashmiri pundits from the valley in the early 1990’s and its agonizing aftermaths faced by the community at the various migrant camps. The main plot of the memoir revolves around the family of an author and their odyssey in an alien sky and the surroundings. The story starts in one winter night when the Lassa and his wife get terrified with some unidentified persons loitering in the chilly midnight at the gate of their house. That whole night the family couldn’t sleep and are waiting for the muezzin’s call to officiate the arrival of dawn. In the morning family decides to leave valley in the backdrop of growing militant activities and some mysterious incidents of the assassination of Pundits in the summer capital. The family flees reluctantly with scores of other families and landed in a school at Jammu with tales of fears and fantasies on their faces. Later in the second half of his memoir Sridhar, the main protagonist is trying to recollect the experience of migration from his grandfather Mahanandju and father Lasa. In this pursuit to maintain his identity with the garden of solitude he participates in the essay competitions and the conferences hosted by the Kashmiri Pundit Diaspora demanding a homeland within the homeland. The narrative technique of the novel is so simple and appalling that it panned the readers to feel and be sympathetic with their victimhood perpetrated by the unknown Machiavellian political characters.

The title of memoir or chronicle is catchy but the premise is dangerous as it touches the dark pages of State history. The narrator of story Sridhar in his childhood watches the amity and harmony of Muslims and Pandits in Kashmir. He watches at the same time the sudden rise of militancy, protests, crackdowns, Innocent killings, funerals and the euphoria for azadi. He is shocked to the marrow at the suspicion, mistrust, betrayal and the polarization of state on the theological lines.

Later in the second half of his exile life he finds solace and peace of mind in his writings that speak volumes of separation and longing for the garden of solitude.

“All I dream of now is a garden of solitude,

where I get a morsel of rice in the

morning and a morsel of rice in the evening”

The memory of grief-stricken faces of the exiles into the various migrant camps remained with him and followed him where ever he goes. Under the clout of identity crises and a deep desire to save the stories that are on the verge of extinction. Sridhar visits America, Varanasi, Allahabad and then back to Ladhak, where he meets an English born lady selling old books and shares with her the most peaceful time in the midst of lama’s and bare mountains of Himalayas. He eventually returns his homeland as a tourist and met Ali, his neighbor before visiting his ancestral house where he met a little girl Noor and her middle aged mother. He and Ali exchange sordid tales but the Giga’s whole onus and obsession remains with his identity crisis and the victimhood of his community. Which is totally bizarre and jaundiced perception to look and treat the overall suffering, pain and agony of all Kashmiri’s irrespective of religion and caste and to keep harping on the barb of identity crises and the return of homeland for Kashmiri pundits is ridiculous. There is not a single line on the Sikhs and Hindus, who stayed back in the valley and not a word of solidarity with the majority community which bore the most brunt of brutality and barbarianism from the last two decades. The memoir is not a must read book for all as the author himself restricted his plethora of ideas and perception to a one section of society which makes it a time pass literary activity and nothing else.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2011; the year of autumn on the arab autocrats

2011 has so for proved to be the autumn on Arab autocracy because so many notorious dictators swept away in the flood of public uprising with in no time and still it is making havoc in many other parts of Arabian Peninsula. This epoch making year will be remembered and written with golden ink in the pages of Arab history as the year of salvation and change. The jasmine revolution which started in Tunisia has so far travelled almost in all the Arabian countries bringing hope and joy on the withered faces. The old saying a spark neglected burns the whole house proved right in this part of world. When the protests were sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi on 17 December and led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali 28 days later on 14 January 2011, when he officially resigned after fleeing to Saudi Arabia, ending 23 years in power.  Mohamed Bouazizi pleaded before Tyrant Tunisian police not to confiscate his unlicensed food cart, which was the sole bread earner of the eight member family but his pleading requesting bribing, was responded by the spitting, humiliation torture and his saga of suffocation ended with the self immolation. This incident which was named as the jasmine revolution by the media changed the political discourse of Arab world. The continuous and unstoppable odyssey of this revolution have pushed the ruling elite to the wall and it looks that this public revolution will quench his thirst with the fall of all autocratic Arab regimes. The liberation squire of Egypt has shown the oppressed Arab the roadmap to freedom for which they have been yearning from so many decades.
To fight for their rights is not a mutiny or treachery but it is an awakening and a sign of alive nations. The people in Yemen, Libya or Syria are fighting with tooth and nail against the repression, atrocities, political hierarchy and if they succeed in their struggle then they are going to chisel a new progressive modern democratic Arab.In this political struggle the people of Arab countries are not alone; in fact almost all the major media networks of world are giving the nonstop coverage especially by the western media and the Arab independent media both print as well as electronic which is highly incredible. But the most interesting thing is that the west and America have also joined the chorus of protestors and have taken the unexpected stance against those despots, who were once their friends and key partners. This mechavelian politics and the change of camp by the so called custodians of human rights and democracy may be the last nail in the coffin of their political hegemony in the Middle East affairs. Earlier it was just a cake walk for west and America to full fill their hidden vested interests in the Middle East but after this masses revolution and  the fall of their ‘yes men’ it will be a hard nut to crack. However the dawn of freedom in the Middle East has not risen completely as these despots are using every political gimmick to quell this sudden public uprising so that they can save their power and extend their tenure of tyranny. Whatever is happening now in Libya and Yemen, where a non violent struggle has turned into a full scale civil war is the result of this hypocrisy, insincerity on the part of these autocrats to push the people so that they can resort to violence which can serve their purpose of political plate. Thus it is the moral responsibility of leadership who are spearheading this revolution to be circumspect and watchful and don’t fall prey to such intimidation. These Arab dictators are right now caught between the devil and deep sea as their all weather friend America and west have put off the political oxygen kit to these despots to breathe freely in their own countries due to the public pressure and the worldwide condemnation against the excessive use of brute force against the unarmed people. The ignorance of power and the continuous support of western countries made them modern Changeez Khan on the sacred land which once taught the lesson of justice and peace to the world.  Neither had they followed the cannons of Islam nor did the so called democracy instead of that change their countries into a police state. The freedom of expression, accountability and justice are the Greek words for the Arabian people. The author himself had a chance to stay and interact with the young Arabian generation seeking education in the different parts of India. During my stay with my Arabian friends at the University of Pune, I find them politically immature, timid, and the lovers of westernization. In their every argument they lack sense of understanding and acceptance. However they are not responsible for this because the education system in which they have been indoctrinated and groomed sans the above mentioned important attributes. The Tunisian jasmine revolution was an impetus for the spring Arab public uprising and it is also a wakeup call for the Arab youth to stand up against these installed autocrats and their anti public policies.
Na samjugae to mit jayogae aeh arab Walloon!
Tumari dastan tak nah ho gee dastanoo mane!      

Friday, May 27, 2011

Free prisoners and stop walking with the rabbits and hunting with the hounds

Free prisoners and stop walking with the rabbits and hunting with the hounds
When the Mughal emperor Jahangeer was mesmerized by the natural beauty of Kashmir, he uttered this famous couplet, “if there is paradise on earth, it’s here it’s here it’s here!” This couplet later became the touristic epitome of Kashmir, whenever the beauty of Kashmir is described in poetry. Nature has endowed Kashmir with exotic beauty, which is reflected in its picturesque landscapes, lush green forests of Chinar, deodar and pine trees, beautiful rivers and waterfalls, snow covered mountains and a range of flora and fauna. It was an abode of peace and tranquility for the visitors of the whole world. But the things changed, when British left subcontinent without considering the future of 10 million people of land locked Himalayan state. Once known as the paradise of Asia has been turned into a beautiful jail, with a heavy military concentration on both the sides of border. It has earned a title, the most militarized area of world and a flash point between the two arch rival nuclear armed neighbors. Every inmate of this unfortunate part of the world is undergoing through trauma and turbulence. At every step hapless Kashmir’s are being subjected to humiliation and harassment on the name of security. In the recent public upsurge, when the volcano of resentment against the state as well as centre exploded on the streets of valley, all the hypothetical theories and assumptions fall apart that Kashmir conflict is just an economical and administrative problem. Till yesterday, those political pundits were analyzing the issue through economical prism interestingly are now acknowledging and  realizing  that the Azadi sentiment has penetrated into the deep psyche of people and it’s  very difficult to bring back them from that obsession. In order to counter this popular sentiment the authorities are using heavy handed tactics against those who participated in the sporadic mass protests. According to an unofficial report more than 1500 hundred people among them lot of teenagers have been detained under the controversial Public Safety Act. Most of the detainees both trialed and under trial are languishing in different jails in and outside state, where they are tortured, maltreated and deprived of all basic facilities according to the different media reports. The release of a Kashmiri aeronautical engineer after completing his term of five year imprisonment shows how the space is shrinking for a Kashmir youth inside the state as well as outside the state. It took five years to Indian judiciary to decide that the unfortunate student is innocent and was implicated on flimsy grounds by the Delhi police. He is not the alone Kashmiri, who faced the judicial wrath from the deity of democracy but there are hundreds of illegal Kashmiri detainees, who are rotting in different notorious jails of India without any proper trial. The way youth have been implicated in false and fabricated cases and political prisoners are being detained under the PSA again and again, shows that the centre is following the stick and carrot policy in the valley. Recently the Amnesty International urged the state to revoke the act as soon as possible and can’t continuously violate India’s International commitments to human rights. Despite the court orders and prolonged strikes by lawyers the prisoners are not released due to that the families are suffering economically as well as psychologically.  It would have been a great CBM on the part of authorities to win the hearts and mind of the people if they have released all detainees without any delay but instead of that people are regularly arrested on the name of security threat. The so called main stream political parties and the moderate faction of Hurriyat have never taken up this issue seriously and have confined themselves to the press releases. On the other hand the octogenarian leader, time and again have made his intentions clear that all political or non political prisoners should be released immediately and has launched  a district wise public campaign to press for the release of illegally detained Kashmiris in various Indian jails. However he has been barred so for by the authorities to undertaking such political venture by putting him house arrest, which clearly shows the dialogue rhetoric kicked off by the three musketeers is just a part of delay and divide tactics on the part of Indian Government.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Let bygones be bygones and move on.

Spring has arrived in the valley after torrential rains delayed its arrival and the sun starts shining on the blue sky after a long gap of chilly weather bringing hope and joy on the faces of people. But this jubilation and hope came under dark clouds for a transitory period when the seeds of chaos and confusion were sown by the issuance of Dogra certificate to the people of Jammu province. The Dogra certificate according to revenue minster Raman Bhalla will not change the demography of state but it will give just some physical relaxation to the Dogra community in seeking jobs in central paramilitary forces. But the certificate was not just a job specific it was more a political axe to divide the state on the bases of ethnicity and to unite Jammu Province under the banner of Dogra nationalism irrespective of religion and language. However its promulgation came under a severe criticism as usual from the separatists to the main stream parties but the final ultimatum given by the APHC chairman Mr. Geelani to the state Govt and Centre compelled them to revoke this order after realizing and sensing his vast public support across the valley. It gives us a notion that this octogenarian leader is emerging the main protagonist of the political struggle and the rest remained flat characters. Although PDP and some NC ministers openly opposed this order but it was just a save face practice to hoodwink the people that we stand by the unity of State. Then who are at the helm of affairs in the State Govt who are trying to play spoil sport in the valley to change this summer into another year of bloodshed? There was no need to issue such order when the PR certificate already exists and gives all benefits to its subjects. How bizarre it is that the Dogra ruler never thought of issuing such a separate certificate for a particular community of a particular region. But the present State Govt mysteriously felt a need of issuing such controversial certificate to divide the state on the ethnic lines was beyond the frontiers of political understanding. The valley has witnessed summer bloodsheds from the last couple of years and everybody is praying that this summer passes peacefully but the state Govt and Centre are taking such anti public decisions which can ripples the peace and prosperity of the state. The recent revocation of this controversial certificate by the state Govt after having a long consultation with the Home minster PC should be seen as a welcome step. Let bygones be bygones and move on.     

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BJP's K-visit: change in the party's mindset?

It is quite strange from a right wing political party, which has been harping on that “Kashmir is an integral part of India”. Now suddenly the top brass of BJP is willing to meet separatist’s leaders in Kashmir to know their point of view regarding the resolution of Jammu and Kashmir. In fact it was former PM Atal Bihari Vajapai from the same party, who went to an extra mile and assured the people of Kashmir that any solution of their grievances and aspirations is possible under the ambit of humanity. Today these historical lines of former Indian PM is taken the stepping stone of the composite dialogue between New Delhi and the people of Kashmir but unfortunately his party men are disassociating themselves from his bold statement. However after the three turbulent summers in the valley, there is now a sense of growing concern and urgency among all the Indian national political parties, civil society including BJP on Kashmir. Whether it is Arundhati Roy or now Rajnath Singh, a Kashmir centric political wind has been blowing in the streets of New Delhi after the successful summer people uprisings. The parliamentary study group of BJP headed by its former president Rajnath Singh has been given a task by the party to find main reasons behind the alienation and isolation of Kashmir’s should be seen in that context. Singh after reaching Jammu  reiterated BJP’s stand  on the state but to make their visit successful and effective opted a humanitarian posture by saying that  “the party is worried every time there is unrest in the state and would meet different sections of the people to know their views”. It is for the first time that the right wing political party constituted a study group to assess the ground situation in the valley. Although, this political initiative by the BJP on Kashmir has been welcomed by almost all the separatist groups including the mainstream political parties in the valley but the tag under the ambit of Indian constitution, ignoring the historical perspectives and without meeting the separatists Leaders will take them nowhere. During the unrest summers BJP and its top brass along with some Pandit groups have been putting enormous pressure on the Centre as well as on the state Govt not to revoke the disturbed area act and other draconian laws form the state, which gives immunity to the security forces to violate the basic human rights of the people. They have not even condemned the killing of innocent Kashmir’s in the recent public upsurges and have openly defended security establishment, who used brute force with impunity against the peaceful protesters. In this backdrop of anti Kashmir stance of BJP have suddenly formulated a fact finding study group to visit all the three regions of the state and interact with the civil society, socio political groups and bureaucrats and submit their final report to the party president. Afterwards first time in the history of BJP will prepare a visionary document on Kashmir, which will be debated and discussed inside the parliament as well as outside the parliament. But one doesn’t understand how this study groups will find the actual cause of problem by ignoring the historical political perspectives of the disputed territory?  If it is a serious and sincere attempt on the part of BJP to hear the grievances and sentiments of the people, then it is a welcome step but if it is just to buy the time and to make sure that this summer passes peacefully which has been the tactics of centre in the past then it is a futile exercise.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Indian Media and Cricket Diplomacy

Many political analysts in the sub continent believe that the cricket world cup semi final at Mohali had given another chance to both the countries to sit together and resolve their bilateral issues through a meaning full dialogue. However the way Indian electronic media launched a national level sledging against the Pakistan and its cricket team before the match was beyond the ethics of journalism. It also shows how TRP madness among the Indian News channels can hijack the objectivity. Suppose if Indian cricket team had lost the semi final against Pakistan, what would have been the response of Indian media in particular and the people of India in general? It is a fact that cricket in India is seen and adored as a religion but it doesn’t mean that you can cross all the lines of courtesy and sportsmanship. The way Indo-Pak cricket match was given nonstop media coverage and the title ‘mother of all battles’ by the Indian media changed the basic definition and objective of sports. They made people scared and crazy about the notion that if India loses the match the heaven is going to fall from the sky. After all it is a game it should be treated as a game and nothing else. On the day, whosoever will play better cricket and held his nerves and absorb pressure will emerge as a victor, which Indian team showed by playing professional cricket  on their home soil and home crowd beating Pakistan convincingly. The negative mindset of Indian media towards the Pakistan and its cricket team stigmatized the so called democratic posture of India in the region. More worryingly, even the liberal voices in India couldn’t dare to stop Indian media in spreading the Pakistani hysteria and remained silent behind the curtains of patriotism. The way ex cricketers like Ravi Shastri, Atul Wasan crossed the fundamentals of sportsmanship and air  derogatory remarks to the millions of viewers that an auto rickshaw cannot compete with a BMW car shows how far the Indian psyche can go, when it boils down to Pakistan. There are reasons for it because the socio economic pendulum of power is clearly drifting in India’s favor. Today India is considered the power house of cricket; the ICC is earning its 60 percent revenue from India and its arch rival Pakistan is nowhere because of the instability and anarchy prevailing there after they joined the so called war against Terrorism. As long as the situation remains volatile and fragile there, Pakistan can’t force India to come to the table and resolve all outstanding issues including the core issue of Kashmir. It is better for Pakistan to put first their house in order and then think of the Kashmir solution and other bilateral disputes. But If the Pakistani PM thinks that the meeting with its counterpart at Mohali was fruitful and encouraging then it will be considered a miracle in the context of growing anti Pakistan public opinion fueled by Indian media after the Mumbai attack. It took Indian Govt, three years to break the jinx and invite Pakistani leadership to India on the eve of a cricket match. It is not the first time that cricket has played the role of bridge between the two countries but in the past too from Gen Zia ul Haq to Yousf Raza Gellani cricket diplomacy has brought both the countries together to remove the trust deficit. But today the Indian corporate media is opposing every peaceful move whether it is from India or Pakistan so that to keep the pot of hatred boiling in both the countries. It is a fact that the rise of India as a economical giant has also changed the mindset of every Indian whether he is a politician, sportsperson or businessman which is natural but at the same time they have to play a responsible role in the sub continent as far as the long standing issues with their neighbor are concerned but if they fall prey to jingoism ignited by strong communal forces, who have penetrated into the electronic media. Then it will have a dire consequence, which is not in the interest of both the countries.  

Friday, February 11, 2011

India's double standard

  It has always been the game plan of New Delhi to walk with rabbits and hunt with hounds as for as the so called dialogue process with the people of Kashmir is concerned. The appointment of three interlocutors and their recommendations have not so for given a thought by the state police and the centre. If they think that nocturnal raids, arrests and booking the youth under the draconian laws will help us to bring back peace and prosperity in the valley, then they are living in the Alice’s wonderland. It is a people’s moment against the injustice and promise made by the first Indian prime minster with the people of Kashmir. Although from the last six decades there were many ups and downs as for as the Azadi discourse is concerned but the people have not given up the just cause.  However New Delhi tried his best with the help of his installed democratic setup in the Srinagar to quell the freedom voice but couldn’t. Time and again New Delhi is using highhanded tactics in dealing with those boys, they think are the threat to the law and order will yield nothing at last but will push them to the violence. If this is the agenda which New Delhi is embarking then the clouds of peace will never hover over the sky of Kashmir. The chief minster on the other hand is trying his best  to make sure that the things don’t go out of hand   this time and his condolence visit  to the Handwara, where a 12th class student fell to the bullets of so called security forces should bee seen in that context. The fervent appeals of the interlocutors to the centre that all alleged stone palters as well as political prisoners  should be released as a confidence building measure and equally endorsed by the Indian home minster have been responded with the continuous intensive crackdowns on the  Hurriyat (G) and the stone palters. This obstinate and obnoxious stance of New Delhi regarding the aspiration of the people and the excessive use of force against non violent protesters can prove counterproductive for them. It will also marginalize the moderate group of Hurriyat, who had many rounds of talks with the centre both publically and privately but the result was an ostrich zero.  Their continuous engagements with New Delhi made them irrelevant in the recent public uprising, when the people followed the resistance calendar of Hurriyat (G) in letter and spirit because the points they put forth before the New Delhi as a pre condition were genuine and valid points. But as usual they were not sincere and ready to accept those demands and responded with mopping up the whole amalgam from the political scene. Although some leaders from the Hurriyat (M) were released on   this condition that they will not create law and order problem. There controversial seminars made the job easy for the state police, when their so called separatist leader rekindled the lamp of confusion by digging the past graves. If the amalgams top leaders have been given freedom to roam from Pattan to Washington, then why a 16 year old boy is chased and terrified because he protested against the killing of three boys, who were killed in a cold blood. How long this double standard will continue!
Zulum bhi ho aur  aman bhi ho
Kai mumkin hai tum bhi kahow


Egypt is on the boil after a successful public revolution uprooted the ossified dictator in Tunisia. Another revolution became inevitable, when the Egyptian Army announced that they will not use force against the peaceful protesters, who assembled at the Tharir Squire demanding the resignation of president rang the death knell for Mubarak’s regime. In other words Egyptian Army respected and acknowledging the legitimate right of the people so for didn’t become the hurdle in overthrowing Hosni Mubarak. Many political thinkers are of the view that these peaceful public upsurges are the wakeup call for the rest of autocratic regimes in the Arab world. If they don’t take immediate steps like giving people the basic democratic rights, justice and prosperity then the popular public wind will swallow them all. Nobody is going to save them even their all weather friends can’t do anything. Once the close friend of America and European Union are bowing before the public pressure. Mubarak, an extension of autocratic regimes like Anwar Sadat Gamal Abdel Nasser, was once America’s convenient tool and now the dangerous embarrassment for them. Hosni Mubarak’s hostile attitude towards the oppressed Palestinians and toeing the line of Israel made him one of the most notorious dictators in the Arab world. The peace treaty with the Israel cemented his status as a leading U.S friend in the region. His involvement in the political assassinations of his opponents including the leaders of Muslim brotherhood party further widens the gap between the subjects and ruler. The people of both the countries lead a life of political suffocations under these regimes. The rise in the inflation, unemployment and poverty in the Egypt as well in Tunisia added fuel to the burning.  The immediate transition of power in the Arab world is the need of hour otherwise chaos and confusion will engulf the whole region which will further alienate and divide the Muslim world. History is a best teacher that is what people say and believe it teaches us that neither can you quell the sentiments nor aspirations through the constitutional powers or by the might of military power at last you to accept the hard reality. The use of police thugs and other criminals to attack the peaceful protestors will not yield anything for Hosni Mubarak but will spread anarchy in the Egypt. Only his step-down from his post can heal all the wounds which most of the Egyptians has gone through under his repressive regime.